Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Wow! A Math Genius!

Dad Confirms

Douglas called me at 6:58 this morning. He called to tell me he had realized that he has been having headaches all his life, and that he just got used to them. He also said he doesn't think he is schizophrenic, and I agree. I lived with a schizophrenic to two years, Nana Marissa, and Douglas isn't anything like that. He's like Spane.

So, Douglas is coming over today. That should be interesting. Maria doesn't like him, and at one point had threatened to call the police on him for elder abuse. I never got why she thought he was abusing her - he didn't yell at her, hit her, insult her - all he was was kind and respectful. I think something is wrong with Maria - that she may be ill, but that's a whole other story.

Our Son is a Math Wiz

In the mail this morning was Spane's STAR Student Report. This is the California Standardized Testing and Reporting program that measures a child's progress in meeting the state's academic content standards, which describes what all students should know and be able to do at each grade level.

Spane got a 453 in Mathematics, and placed in the Advanced level. The highest possible score is 600. This is how he scored:

ContentSpaneOther Kids
Place Value, Addition and Subtraction93%75% - 90%
Multiplication, Division, and Fractions91%75% - 90%
Algebra and Functions100%70% - 85%
Measurement and Geometry93%80% - 90%
Statistics, Data Analysis, and Probability86%75% - 85%

Not So Good in Reading

I wonder if reading takes more concentration than math. I imagine it must, because Spane did not do so well on English Language Arts. He still tested as Proficient, so I am happy about that.

English Language Arts
Content AreaSpaneOther Kids
Word Analysis and Vocabulary Development73%75% - 85%
Reading Comprehension67%70% - 80%
Literary Response and Analysis83%80% - 85%
Writting Conventions79%75% - 85%
Writing Strategies63%70% - 80%

See the questions Spane had to answer.

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