Friday, July 8, 2011


Finally Accepted for Children's Hospital

Yippee!! Spane has been approved to go to Children's Hospital. Spane's primary physician called this morning, July 8, 2011, and said that Children's Hospital had accepted Spane. Since there is a waiting list for new patients, each case has to be reviewed by a specialist before the patient is accepted. We are now waiting on the hospital to call us to set up an appointment.

I am feeling very strange about this. We have all seen the commercials for Children's Hospital, pictures of sick children, and you never think it could be your child.

Here's a strange thing - I always say that things happen for a reason. If I were working full time, I might not have the kind of insurance or funds available to take care of this. God works in very mysterious ways! Thank you God for giving me a wonderful son, and thank you for making all the things possible in our lives.

Thursday, July 7, 2011

Thanks for Pee Wee Herman

The mail man came today with a package from Amazon, the complete DVD series of Pee Wee Herman. This is going to be great for Spane, as I can use each DVD as an incentive to stay focused on being good and Spane, and not listen to the 42 voices telling him to be bad.

If he can stay green for one week, then he can have a DVD. If not, then he will have to wait another week. I think this really going to help him.

His first DVD, that is due for Monday, July 11, 2011 is Robots. It is sitting on my desk and Spane already knows about it.

Good luck, Spane! Thank you Alexis Farion for making this possible! We love you!

Someone Else with DWS?

I heard from the therapist at the new place that one of the other therapists had a patient with Dandy Walker Syndrome, and was heading voices, too! That made me feel so much better. I wrote a letter to Spane's father. He was diagnosed with schizophrenia but, he has always had these strange headaches, and I wonder if he, too, has the some condition. It's genetic, so maybe that's wrong with him.