A Little History

First Holy Communion

Great Pitcher

In October of 2009, when we were living on Lomita, Spane started acting up badly. He would suddenly turn into a little boy I did not know, who would not do was he was asked to do, who would yell, who was malicious, and was hitting me.
On Christmas Eve, 2009, it got really bad. Spane started throwing sharp, hard toys at me. He's got a good arm, he'll make a really good pitcher some day. I had to call the police, I was so scared. The policeman was nice to him, until Spane gave him a smart look, and then the policeman got stern, and said "Look, I don't have time to be dealing with little punks like you. I'm supposed to out there catching criminals, and if your mother has to call the police about you again, I will take you to Juvenal Hall. You won't like it there!"
That was when I realized that I was afraid of my six year old son.

Spane went into therapy with Davina.  In September 2010, I wrote her an email explaining exactly what was happening.  You can read my email regarding Spane's behaivor.

Just Like Your Dad!

I am a single mother by necessity. Spane's father, Douglas, is a drug and alcohol abuser, is also abused me when we were in a relationship together. I broke up with Douglas in May of 2001. We stayed friends, and had a got together in February of 2003, just long enough to make Spane.
As a result of being a victim of Domestic Violence, I was entitled and encouraged to go to a therapist. One day, I told my therapist that Spane was acting like his father, and I was afraid of him. My therapist got him a referral and he started seeing a different therapist in 2010.

A Good Catholic Boy!

Spane was baptized Catholic when he was two, and attended Catechism classes for his First Holy Communion. We made had a party, and I served First Holy Communion Wafer Cake, which was a great hit. Spane was so focused on doing well for First Holy Communion, that the voices did not stand a chance!