Sunday, July 31, 2011

Wanna Help Obama?

Can't Find the Purse

We were going to a grassroots organizing event in Pasadena to for Barack Obama, and we did not have to be there until 3pm. We were going to go to 11:00am Mass because our engagement in Pasadena, and after taking a bath and getting dressed, I told Spane he needed to take a bath, too.

Here's a new thing - Spane has to start using deodorant because he now had ripe armpits. This doesn't surprise me that much, I started when I was four in Germany. It's okay, he will learn early about personal freshness!

When we got ready to go to Mass there was a problem. My purse could not be found anywhere. We looked and looked, and we could not go because that purse had my wallet, with all my information, and money, and cards, etc. So, we did not make it to Mass - have to go to Confession about that one1. By the time Josef came at 2:30, we had still not found the purse.

Afraid of Maria

The only place I could think of was to look under Maria's bed, and I asked Spane to do this since it's a lot easier for a little person to look under things. Boy, did he give me a hard time about that, every excuse in the book. Finally, since we were making so much noise, Maria went into the bathroom and found the purse under clothes in the hamper where Spane had hit it on Thursday, July 28, 2011.

I was really, really mad by that time, and I told Spane that no matter what he was not ever to touch my purse, or any lady's purse for that matter! I also told him he was on Yellow for acting the way he did when we were trying to find the purse.

Taking a Nap

When we arrived he seemed pretty sleepy, and sure enough, he fell asleep at the table while I went to another table to talk with other volunteers. He slept soundly almost all the way through the event.

People Are Trying to Shoot Me! - Dream Sharing?

Almost at the end of the event, Spane started to cry in his sleep. Luckily, I was right there, and went to him and he said he was dreaming that people were trying to shoot him! I held through the rest of the event, and we were nice enough to get a ride home from one of the other volunteers.

After we got home, and were going to the store to get some milk, I asked Spane about the nightmare, and he said that he was in a large sports field and he was being shot at. He said there was no where to hide, and he was really scared. He didn't know why anyone was shooting him, and could not think of why anyone would want to shoot him.

This might sound crazy on my part, but I can't help but think he might be sharing someone else's dream, like maybe his father. There were a few times I was able to share a nightmare, a couple of times with Douglas, and once with an old boyfriend, Gary. It's very frightening, because there you are happily in your own dream when suddenly someone turns the channel and you are in someone else's dream.

Good Night, Spane

We played a game of Crazy Eights, and tried to play a game of Gin Rummy, but were thwarted on that because Rolo kept wanting to be pet.

Spane had a mild head ache, and I gave him his medication. I did not expect him to go to sleep because he had slept at the event. I went to sleep at midnight, and he was asleep beside me this morning.

1 Confession if really good for the soul, please see my views on the Sacrament of Reconciliation

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