Saturday, July 16, 2011

Another Doctor

About a year ago, I was introduced to Dr. Victor Bagha, a natural healer, who has helped a lot of people beat cancer and other incurable diseases, including Bill Howard, Mr. America. Dr. Victor treated Steve McQueen, and worked out with Arnold Schwarznegger before he was famous. So, out of the blue, Dr. Victor's wife, Raida, called me and asked me if I would do some work for them.

We met with Dr. Victor and Raida on Saturday morning, and we went to The Toasted Bun in Glendale. Spane loves the Toasted Bun's Silver Dollar pancakes. He was having such a good time that he had two helpings!

Dr. Victor said to bring Spane out to his office on Monday so he could take a look. Spane has always like Raida, and he thought it would be nice to meet with Dr. Victor.

Saturday night was Cruise Night in Glendale, so we went with Zeik and Noelle. We had a nice time looking at all the old cars. One of the office buildings on Brand has a large park with fountain, and the kids played tag while I listened to Paul Revere and the Raiders - they were good!

By the time we all walked back to the library to meet Amber, everyone was really tired, and Spane went to sleep right away when we got home. It was a good night.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Fast Food? Phooey!

Spane went to the doctor today for a follow-up appointment. His regular doctor, Dr. Steinberg, saint that she is, is in South American volunteering, so we saw one of the on staff doctors. She said that Spane was old enough to have a mild Advil for his headaches, and that we just had to wait for the pediatric neurologist at Children's Hospital to contact us about the Dandy Walker Syndrome. I also asked her about his stomach pain that he has been dealing with since April, and she said the Dandy Walker might be doing it, but, and she looked straight into Spane's eyes:
No more pizza, chicken nuggets, hot dogs, things like that
Spane (looking really askance)
I don't eat that kind of food. I don't like that kind of food.
Spane's not really into fast food or junk food. We eat yogurt with fruit and honey for breakfast, a lot of fresh vegetables. I'm a gourmet cook, fast food doesn't exist in my house.
That's good!
Go over to the local Armenian store, to the preserves section and try the Young Walnut Preserves. You'll love them!
I'll do that, I love walnuts!
And with that, we went to the pharmacy, got his medicine, and now we're going to have scrambled eggs for breakfast. Maybe we'll have a little toast with Young Walnut Preserves!