Friday, January 20, 2012

Seeing Red

Spane's psychiatrist is Anita Red. She's a wonderful doctor, and very concerned about Spane.  When I left a message with Spane's therapist, Clara, that the voices were back despite the Seroquel, Dr. Red called me and said to bring Spane in.

Her first concern was for the Seroquel itself, since it really isn't a good drug.  It leads to obesity, diabetes and other nasty things.  At the time, the blood work that Spane's pediatrician had done was still not in Dr. Red's hands.  I called his pediatrician's office and asked them to fax his medical records over.  I am amazed at how many information releases I have signed, for both doctors, for CHLA, for the SSI attorney, even for the school!

Because of the Seroquel issue, Dr. Red said that she wanted to reduce it down to one a day.  Then she said she wanted us to come back in two weeks to see how it went.

Tuesday, January 17, 2012

They're Baaaack

Saturday, when John came over, Spane was acting very strangely, and most uncooperatively. I looked at his eyes, and they seemed to be rolling around in his head. I asked him if he were hearing voices, and he said "Yes, Mommy".

This morning, when I asked him if his headaches were getting worse, he said yes they were.

So, this afternoon, I took him to his pediatrician. The good thing is, there are only 10 voices, not the usual 50. His pediatrician hasn't gotten the results back from the MRI Spane had on the 27th of December, and she also wants to talk to his psychiatrist to determine next steps, if any.