Saturday, August 13, 2011

A Nice Saturday - Watching Perseid Meteor Showers

Spane did fine on his medication from Friday night, and woke up late in the morning. I was really glad that he did not get sick the night before, and he seemed just fine.

John Farion came by and played with Spane for a few hours, then he went home. Spane and I walked with him to the bus stop, and then we went to the corner store and got some milk to make mashed potatoes, since that was what Spane had asked for.

I heated up some Jack Daniels Baby Back Ribs, made mashed potatoes with Cheese Wiz, and green beans with bacon and almonds. We stuffed ourselves, and even had a little apple torte for dessert.

Spane wanted to watch the Perseid Meteor showers, and I wanted to see them, too. I did not give him the Seroquel thinking that he would not be able to get up at 4:30 to see it. I went to sleep at 3:30, and he woke me up at 4:45 to tell me that he and the cat had been outside looking at the stars. I don't know if he saw anything, but I have to give him an "A" for effort.

Friday, August 12, 2011

Four O'Clock and Nothing is Well

I fell asleep on the couch watching television, and when I woke up it was 3:00 and there was some infomercial about an indoor grill. It looked interesting, and I actually watched it.

So, I finally got into bed at 3:30, and was having some nice dreams.

Suddenly, I felt Spane getting up, and the next thing I know he's telling me that he threw up. No problem, I say, just clean up whatever little mess, and come back to bed. Well, he took a long time, and then he came back and said, "Mom, I can't clean it up, there's too much." Then I got up.

It was indeed all over the place, all over the rug in front of the tub. I told him to get up whatever he could with the rug, roll the rug up and put it in the trash. Then I got him a towel and he cleaned up the rest. It didn't get completely cleaned up - my mop died the other night, and I don't know where to get a mop at 4:00 a.m.

My first thought was that it was the Seroquel that was doing it, but this morning, when Spane got up, he had a fever, so it might have been the flu. I hope so.

Thursday, August 11, 2011

Finally, Some Answers!

Up Early

Spane and I got up early so we could be on time to see the psychiatrist. This is a pediatric psychiatrist, which is a good thing, because little people have different needs than big people do.

Telling the Story

I answered questions, while Spane played with Legos, about Spane's behavior, his headaches, his voices, and his people for about an hour. That is one of the reasons I am keeping this blog. In case I forget something, I can refer to it when talking to a medical professional, or other person who needs this information. In fact, I have actually told people that the story is too long and to visit the blog instead. Frankly, I'm getting tired to telling the story. In the beginning, because it was so new, it felt good to tell people what was happening, and get feedback. Lately, I have been telling the story, but not getting that good feedback.

Good Feedback

That has now changed. After I got through telling the doctor all this stuff, she finally said the words I wanted to hear "Yes, we can definitely help Spane".

She said that it was the Dandy Walker Syndrome that was causing the voices. I was so thrilled to know that - as everyone else has said they were not sure. Finally, to the root of the problem.

She also said the DWS was probably responsible for a whole host of things, including the stomach aches that Spane has had almost continuously since April, 2011. His pediatrician thought that has well, and it's nice to have two doctors agree on the same thing.

I went into another room while the doctor and Spane had a talk. I played with Legos, too, and was just about to make a spectacular home design when the doctor asked me to come back in.


The doctor prescribed Seroquel for Spane and said that it would get rid of the voices. She told me that was his biggest desire, to get rid of the voices. She also agreed they were the most important thing, mainly because they tell him to hurt me.

The plan is 25mg every night for four nights, then 25mg in the morning and 25mg at night for four days, and then 50mg at night after that. Hopefully, he will be acclimated to the medication by the time he goes back to school on the 29th of August.

We got the prescription filled and then went home as I was having a luncheon with Josef and a guest.

Spane Gets Grounded

Sometimes, I lose it. I really do. We came home and I had about a half an hour to clean up the house. Most of the mess was stuff that Spane had lying on the living room floor, that I had asked him many times to clean up. He kept on telling me to have patience as I watched him playing, instead of cleaning up. Finally, I lost it and "Mean Mommy" came out with a belt, smacked him on his tush, and cleaned everything up myself. My back hurt. I told Spane that he was grounded from his bicycle, his scooter, and TV for a week. I don't know why the child insists on not telling me he has a headache until after I get mad at him.

We Have Lunch

I took a picture of the Risotto Rice Balls that I was serving for lunch with a tossed green salad. By that time, Spane was in a better mood, and helped with the serving. We had a good lunch, and I told Spane he could watch TV in his room, just not on the TV in the living room, which has more stuff on it.

Taking Medication

I wasn't hungry after eating that great lunch, but Spane was, so he had a Pop Tart and an Oreo. I gave him his medication at 8:00pm, and he was asleep by 9:00pm! Whew!

Wednesday, August 10, 2011

No More Reward Chart

No More Reward Chart

When we saw Spane's therapist today, she brought Spane out with a new reward chart, that she and Spane did together while I sat and read Martha Stewart Living. Spane and I will report to her, and she will keep the reward chart. I think that's a great idea, as she will be more impartial than I will.

Seeing Stars

Tonight was supposed to be the best time to see the Perseid Meteor Shower and Spane wanted to stay up to see it. I felt bad, but I gave him a sleepy pill, and sent him to bed at 10:00pm. We're seeing the psychiatrist at 9:00 a.m. tomorrow, August 11, 2011.

Getting Hyper

On Tuesday, we needed to go to Ralphs. We stopped by Amber's on the way, and her daughter, Noelle, said she wanted to go with us. Spane and Noelle play a lot, and like each other very much. Noelle was the one who chased Spane last summer when he tried to run away. Noelle is a good girl!

We all did some other errands, and finally, got to Ralphs. When we got there, Spane started acting very hyper, and even complained that he could not stop himself, and this was what happened to him every day at school.

I made a note of it, knowing that we would be talking to the psychiatrist on Thursday, August 11, 2011.

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

A Crafting We Will Go

The Electric Company

So, I'm sitting at my computer yesterday morning, getting ready to write up a Beeper story, when the electricity went out. I got Spane up and we went to the power company. Gosh! I had forgotten to pay the electricity bill! I paid the bill and they said the power would be back on later in the afternoon. So, it's 11:30 in the morning, and we had nothing to do.

Spane was hungry, so we decided to go to Rubio's for lunch. I love that place, the food is always good, and the prices are affordable.

After eating, I wanted to go to Michaels to look for some things to make the pixie I volunteered to make for Noelle's birthday cake. Amber is making a waterfall cake, and I am going to make a pixie or two to sit at the waterfall. I already have the almond paste for the body, and now my challenge is the wings. My intention was to go to Michaels to see if I could find candy molds that I could pour hard crack stage sugar syrup in.

At Michaels

We were at Michaels for a really long time, but we came away with some great gifts to make for Noelle. When we got home, we stared our project. I made the stuff that needed the hot glue gun, and Spane decorated the gift bag. He didn't mind not working with the glue gun when he saw me burn my index finger with it. Spane did a great job on the gift bag, and then I thought I should take some pictures of what we had done. You can see the completed project slide show.

Time To Go To Bed

Lately, Spane has been pretty good about going to bed, but tonight he did not want to go to bed, and there was quite the battle to get him to do so. Finally, with the threat of no computer time, he finally went to bed.