Mommy is Smart
So, last night before I went to bed, I remembered to take an aspirin. I knew if I didn't I would have a hang over, and I hadn't even finished the presentation I did to show how to use Social Marketing for market eCostway's wonderful products. When I got up, I had a wee left over, but not enough that I could not finish my presentation.
At the eCosway Store
I really enjoy shopping at the eCosway store in Encino. There are lots pf products I am looking forward to trying, since I have seen and heard a lot of positive words from real product users. Spane was great, since he had to go with us. He listened to my presentation, and to the presentation about the magical water, and the pendant. I'll be posting more about that over at the new blog Peaceful For Life, so please be sure and bookmark that, too.
It was a long day, and I offered to make lunch at my house, and stopped at the store to get some crab salad and croissants. I already had lettuce, candied pecans, grapefruit and raspberry dressing to make salad like I did for the Organizing for America lunch on Sunday.
Spane Does Not Eat
I had told Spane that since he was such a good boy all that time at eCosway, that he could have just that afternoon bike off from being grounded. He did not want to eat, and continued riding after everyone left. He still wasn't hungry, but when he came in a 6:30, with the sun still way up, he said that his poor stomach hurt so much he could not ride anymore. I felt awful, since he had not even eaten.
I knew that it was going to be time for me to give him the Seroquel, and I was really hesitating since he had not eaten. Finally, at 8:00 he said that he had eaten something, so I gave him the pill.
Things Get Weird
Usually, before this, the Seroquel would make Spane sleepy and he would fall asleep about a half an hour after giving it to him. Tonight that did not happen, and he sat and watched TV.
I asked Spane to please put the toys away that were on the bed. I asked him three time over a half an hour period, and finally, I got tired of waiting, and I took those toys, put them in bag and put them in the trash. Spane knows this about me, that I will eventually lose it and throw things away that are not put away. If he doesn't care enough to take care of his toys, then there's sense in keeping them. Mind you, the entire time I am doing this, I keep telling him all he had to do is put the toys away, but he just keeps protesting.
Well, Spane freaked out and went in that bathroom and started slamming the door. By this time, it was 10:30 at night, and I was worried about him waking up the neighbors.
I walked into the bathroom, and I threw a glass of water in his face. When he was little, that was something that could bring him out of a tantrum, I figured why not? Well, he started hitting me instead, hard. I told him I was done and that I was going to call someone. He ran past me, and grabbed the phone. The next thing I knew, he had taken the phone and thrown it into the outside trash bin. That's when I told him that he could not go to Noelle's birthday party on Saturday. Then he really got upset because he realized he had thrown the phone into the bottom of the dumpster, and he was too short to reach in and get it.
You probably think I am a horrible mother. I did not offer to get the phone back out of the trash. I told him that he was the one who put it there, so he was responsible for getting it out. I also told him that getting the phone out did not necessarily mean that he could still go to Noelle's birthday. Well, he finally put the can on its side, climbed in and retrieved the phone. He gave it to me, and I cleaned it up with some Windex. I told him that he could go to Noelle's birthday if he did everything I said up until that point.
We were sitting in the kitchen, and I mentioned his head. He immediately told me that his head was hurting so much he could not believe it. I asked him why he had not said anything earlier, and he said that just talking about it made it worse. I kept telling him that it was worth it to tell me for five seconds, and get medication, than to wait and wait and suffer. He kept on holding his head and wailing, and finally, I was able to get him to take some pain medication.
I put him on the couch, a while later he said that the medication was helping, and he was really happey. He watched some television until he fell asleep.
What Have I Learned?
I must be thick as a brick. It has not occurred to me until now that Spane is having a headache when he's not paying attention, or not doing what I ask. Those escalate into fights, and I hate that. I still don't know if he's going to tell me if he has a headache, but at least now I can ask him, gently, secretly so that it won't get as Spane says "worser".
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