Friday, July 29, 2011

Candy Land the Nightmare


In the morning, Spane and I sat down for a talk about the night before. I told him that it was really hard for me to deal with him hitting me with a knife, even though it was a butter knife. I asked him if he was having nightmares, and he said yes.

At some point, his therapist had asked him what kind of dreams he had, and he said he dreamed about candy. Well, that sounded nice, like something all kids dream about.

When we were living with Stephen Osworth, he kept on purchasing speakers for his television. Stephen was always an audiophile, and he was using The Fifth Element to calibrate the speakers, specifically the opera singer scene. He didn't pay attention that Spane was home when he was doing this, nor that Spane was seeing and hearing what was going on in the movie, including those huge guns.

So, after Stephen left us, Spane was having trouble sleeping, and I asked him why, and he said he was dreaming about those guns. I told him that what he needed to do was every time he saw one of those guns in his dreams, all he needed to do was turn the gun into a lollipop and eat it! That seemed to work because he didn't complain about bad dreams anymore. As a matter of fact, he told Noelle in the summer of 2010 she could do that if she had nightmares, because it worked so well for him.

Candy Land

You have to be careful what you wish for. Now Spane's nightmares are all about candy. EVERYTHING is made out of candy. When you walk, you stick to the floor, all the trees are made of cotton candy, water is syrup, literally everything is made out of candy. It's like some kind of horrible Twilight Zone - there is no escape from Candy Land.

A Good Night

After dinner, I gave him a whole sleepy pill - I didn't want to take any chances, and his headache pill because he was complaining about the pain. Then I suggested we play a game of Mille Borne, thinking he would be sleepy way before the game was over.

Mille Bourne is a French racing game. Each player gets six cards at the start of the hand, and keeps only six cards in his hand throughout the game. The goal is to reach 1000 miles and avoid hazards, like flat tire, out of gas, speed limit, and accients. It's a really fun game, check it out.

As I have said, Spane does like to try to cheat, and I think he might have been a little sleepy from the pill, but he kept telling me he had eight cards in his hand instead of the requisite six. I kept my patience, but I told him that the next time we played that game, I would not put up with it. I won, and he went off to bed as I had asked him.

Thank God, a good night!

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